Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spring is sprung!

Seems that Blog Spot has gotten much more user friendly.... and the pictures you post first stay at the top of the post.... so this posting will be backwards and inside out as I get used to the new system.  Seems that spring has finally begun in Wisconsin... everything is green and flowers are beginning to bloom in earnest.
Morning Dove Nesting on Chris and Steph's balcony in Milwaukee

A close-up of the good mother, who's nest is on two of Chris and Steph's camping chairs.

Gwenny (Guenevere of Camelot) our new Golden Retriever Puppy resting on  Jim's pet bed at Chris and Steph's.
Unfortunately, Jim hasn't been conceived yet, so the puppy bed is in storage at our house.

Mark purchased some new chairs for the fire pit area... here I am modeling  my new Red and Black Wisconsin Rocker Chair... needless to say, it ROCKS!

Mark likes it too!

Ruby Breasted Groase Beak visiting our bird feeder

I spent two days in the Dells with friends quilting.  Sharon Wagner  is making blankets.

Carol Carr sewing, sewing, sewing!

Material for a Palliative Care Quilt

Annie,Justin and  Shotzie came to see us over Mother's Day weekend... Here  "the girls" posed for a picture.

Looks like Gwenny is whispering in Shotzie's ear.... probably asking her if Stella will ever like her.

Annie practiced her culinary skills and "plated" the asparagus

Mark prepared cedar planked salmon for dinner... it was delicious, and he bought 2 6ft. cedar planks, so we can have it again!

Needless to say Annie loves Gwenny, and Shotzie is a bit jealous!

A trip to Wisconsin is never complete without a visit to the Rudolph Cheese Store, and you have to get ice cream... even if it is only 10:30 in the morning!

Annie resting with the pups

Shotzie takes good care of Annie, here she is holding her glasses for her!
Although it was a bit chilly Annie wanted to be the first one in the lake this year.

Even Gwenny go to experience the water!

Justin and Shotzie played grab the towel...

Which started lots of playtime....

Then everyone had to rest

or read!

Mother's Day presents from Annie

Justin and Annie tried to reassure Stella that she is still loved and appreciated!

Shotzie feels at home here.

Blue Elephant Tea Pot... Mother's Day present from me to me!

Aren't they cute?

The Girls!

Justin likes Gwenny too.

Shotzie taught Gwenny how to go up and down the stairs-

She figured out how to look adorable and put her head through the staircase

All by herself!

Queens Between the Sheets Book club trip to Taliesin for the Loving Frank Tour

Everyone enjoy the beautiful weather... and live everyday as if it were your last... because even though the Rapture didn't happen today, you never know when it will!

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